**This is not a finished embroidery item. It is a digital file that must be used with an embroidery machine**
CDC’s announced that everyone should wear a facemask in public. While this masks isn't medical-grade or substitutes for N95 masks, it can help discourage touching your face and signal you’re trying to protect yourself and others
WARNING: This design, or any product created therefrom is intended to be used for educational purposes only and is not intended to be used to create a medical or similar device. This design, or any product created therefrom is not intended, nor has it been tested, to reduce or eliminate the transmission of any respiratory or airborne pathogen, allergen, or any type of particle or droplet, and on that basis, should not be used for any such purpose. We make no warranties express or implied, that this design, or any product created therefrom is intended, or is suitable for use to reduce or eliminate the transmission of any respiratory or airborne pathogen, allergen, or any type of particle or droplet. Any user of this design, or any product created therefrom for anything other than educational purposes assumes the risk of serious injury or death. For information on how to reduce the transmission of pathogens, please consult a qualified and competent health care professional.
This design also includes a PED sewing pattern so that it can be made using a standard sewing machine and no embroidery necessary but it also includes a partially in the hoop embroidery design for 6X10 and 7X11 embroidery hoops.
These Embroidery Designs are NOT FINISHED PRODUCTS but are in digital format for machine embroidery and YOU MUST HAVE AN EMBROIDERY MACHINE in order to use them and to must be able to transfer the embroidery file to your machine and stitch out this design on your choice of material. These files are an instant download.
PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE these designs if you want a different size, message me first.
I can make finished products with the embroidery designs upon request.
All my designs are manually digitized and are in no way affiliated with any other characters and their resemblance to any is merely coincidental
All files will contain the following formats if your format is not listed and you cannot convert please message me with your format, you will still receive the instant download files:
* JEF+
* VP3
Other formats available upon request or the files can be converted using conversion software.
All my files have been tested with the appropriate stabilizers and thread prior to me listing them. During the download if your internet connection is bad then it may corrupt the files and cause you problems in your stitch out. Therefore, if you have any issues with the files, please contact me for replacement of the same design.
You can use the purchased designs for your personal crafting needs and selling your crafts excluding mass production, you cannot copy or sell the actual digitized design you cannot copy to a CD to sell or give away the designs or call them your own.
Please check and make sure you do not already have the designs you are purchasing before you place an order. Once the designs have been sent there will NOT be a refund issued. Please be certain you are ordering the correct format and size. Once the sale is completed they will not be exchanged or replaced with any other. If the file is corrupt or bad it will be replaced with the exact same file you ordered with the same size and format. Should you purchase the wrong size it will not be exchanged for a different size, you will need to purchase that size I will offer a discount for the same file in a different size. You may find similar designs or items on other web sites, this is merely coincidental.